Wednesday, 1 August 2012

So here are some pics of what I'm trying to build here.
This may help people to visualize it.

(It's a picture heavy post today.)

Here is a picture of the Trailer mode.  This way I can go through tight creeks between big lakes.
Just have to take it apart and put it back together again.

Here are other things that I've been doing.

Both Lee Boards are complete.
Just need a coat of epoxy.

New rudder gudgeon and pintle.

The diamond shaped holes are filled in and we're ready to fibreglass the pontoons.

And here is the mast.

It's just a hollow tube tied to the kayak right now, but it will be the mast soon.
It'll be a little shorter too, but not much.
I needed something long enough to tie the mast to so it wouldn't be flopping around in the wind.
After looking around I found something, my kayak.

Here is the picture of the top of the mast rigging.

Tomorrow is fibreglass the pontoons day.  I would like to hopefully, lay out the mast and sails.
That will help me figure out how long the mast needs to be.

This will mean we are getting real close to the end, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make the Natal Day launch time line.
We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Excuse me, Professor Willock. Will this be on the final exam?
