Monday, 4 June 2012

Tonight was a busy night.  I got the wood work done for the lee boards support.  Below is the pic of the Port side.  The Starboard is in the back ground.  There is a 1/4 inch hole running down the the centre of the long piece.  The idea was to have a rod running through the whole unit.  Found out drilling a hole that long straight is rather difficult.  So I'll just run it through the hull and put a nut and cotter pin inside the hull.   It'll be high enough inside so that it won't hurt my knees.  

Here is the wing supports all epoxied up.  The wood on top is a support template so all the threaded rods are pointing the same direction.  Up and straight.

Here is the mast base getting epoxied together.  I put two 5/16 dowels in there to keep it together.  I didn't exactly get the two pieces square, so I'll just sand them square later.  It's all good.

Soon we'll be ready for the big flip.  Soon as in tomorrow night when the wing supports will be dry.  Switching the kayak end for end so the bow is over the tarp in the dining room.  Exciting times we're living in.  

I'm glad it's cold and rainy out right now.  I don't feel that bad having my kayak inside.

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